Wednesday, June 24, 2009

MRI June 24

Today was the first MRI since the surgery and wonderful news.....

No sign of the tumor!!!

He'll have another MRI next June and annually for 5 years (Dr. Robinson said we may skip a year if the next couple are good).

We are so thankful for the news today!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Wes's recovery has really been remarkable! Better than we ever thought it could have been. He still suffers from headaches but not every day and he never had any damage to his facial nerve. His scar is minimal and he has chosen to continue to shave his head!!!

Thank you again for all your prayers.

I'm asking for them again now.....

This Wednesday we go back to the hospital for his follow-up MRI and will see the neurosurgeon the same day to find out if all the tumor was removed and will discuss the course of action if it wasn't. We are hoping and praying that what was left was a piece of tissue and this will all be behind us. Please keep Wes in your thoughts this week.
I'll post later in the week when we know the results.
Happy Father's Day

June 5, 2009