Wednesday, April 15, 2009

4/15 - 3 weeks out

WOW! Today is exactly three weeks ago that he had surgery. He's having an unbelievable recovery!
We saw Dr. Cerenko today (ENT) for follow-up. Wes is having no balance issues, mainly because that nerve had been destroyed some time ago which works in his favor now. He is FREE to drive again!!!! However, he should not be lifting or doing anything strenuous for the full 2 months.

Something very inspiring happened while we were there. There was only one other couple in the waiting room & we got to talking with them a little. Turns out they are there because her husband has an acoustic neuroma and is meeting with Dr. Cerenko for the first time. We were able to tell him what an amazing job he's done with Wes & about Dr. Robinson as well. They were absolutely dumbfounded that he had surgery three weeks ago. The same way we would have been back in January when we got the news. When we met them they were aggravated about waiting there but when we left them, they were happy & hopeful! I can't tell you how great that felt! I gave her my number and encouraged her to call me with any questions and I hope she does.

Next week we'll see Dr. Robinson & get the follow up MRI to see if there is anything left (tumor I mean, not his brain!) I'll post again then or if anything changes....

Monday, April 6, 2009


It's hard to believe it's been less than 2 weeks since brain surgery! He's doing amazing...recovering much quicker than anyone would have expected. He got the staples removed today & then we went to the mall! He gets tired quicker than he normally would & still has to take pain medication for the headache (although much less frequently now) but other that, he's doing wonderfully. If you saw him today, you'd never even know.
Thanks to everyone who has prayed for Wes & our family. I believe he is prayer at it's best right now:)

Friday, April 3, 2009

9:45pm 4/3

A good day today!!!  Wes has been up & about today for the first time this week.  We went to Harbins to eat lunch with Dawson, who turned 7 today.  The noise got to him after a while, as you could imagine an elementary school cafeteria could, and he had to leave a little early.  We ran a couple of errands, even went into Bass Pro (guess who's idea that was)!
Of course he needed to sleep when we got home but he actually felt like being up and about, which is awesome!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

8:15am 4/2

Still headache & meds....the story of the week. He's in quite a bit of pain and doesn't like taking so much medication. He got up for a couple of hours yesterday. He can get around well but his head just hurts tremendously.